Monday, December 29, 2014

Christmas Sharing, Feasting, and Drumming

Skyping with Joseph
I hope everyone had a great Christmas, here in France the Christmas was fantastic. For Christmas eve we knew not many people would want to talk on the streets, so we made a bunch of banana bread the night before, and carried it all out to all the members in Narbonne for Noel, for a truly rewarding experience. Not only was the banana bread good, every time they would answer the doors with big smiles, and we'd come in and have a great moment together talking about Christmas, and family, and love, and all the good things that come with it. At the one of the member’s houses, our ami actually showed up at the same time, which was a Christmas miracle, and we were able to talk to him all about Christmas: why it’s so special to us, and how great it is, right before he went off on vacation for the weekend. Then we went to a member’s house for the evening, and had a great dinner, where I ate a whole lot of large shrimp, delicious! Then on Christmas morning, we got to sleep in, the mission president authorized that for Christmas only, and we took full advantage, not getting up until 10 or so. We got to skype our families, which was super fun and great. It was so good to see all the faces I love a lot, then we went back to Narbonne and had a Christmas dinner at a less active’s house, comprising of cooked and spiced snails (they really are delicious), foie gras (I'll just let you guys look that up, its not so delicious), and lamb, which was great! We received pounds of chocolate from every member, and now our apartment is very very unhealthy, but it sure tastes good! Two days later I also got the chance to play the drum set when we were out going door to door, when a guy let us in. It was the best present yet! Hoping y'all are having a great holiday season, and have good plans for the New Year, life here in France is great, au revoir! 
With Members

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