This transfer the office received a new senior couple, named the Mahaffeys, who will be taking over some of the responsibilities that were previously with the younger elders, so that we can have more time to go out proselyting and become more mobile to help out in other parts of the mission. Before that can fully happen however, me and my companion Elder Taylor, have to train them in all the responsibilities they will be taking over, so that they can fully understand their jobs. This week was the first week we got some really good sit down time with them, and were able to start training them in the various aspects of what we do. It's going well, they learn fast, and we've already been able to teach them some good portions of our responsibilities, so this will be very very helpful to office elders in the future.
The fun part of the week, though, was Wednesday evening, when us and the other Elders in our ward got together to go visit two different single, less-active women in the ward. The message that we shared was something that my companion had come up with, and really liked. He recently read in a book, an example of our relationship with our Heavenly Father. When two parents have a newborn child, it's a very exacting, draining, and involved experience. The baby can do nothing for itself, and when it's not being incredibly cute, it's crying, demanding attention, waking you up in the night, and draining your funds on all it's physical needs. Yet despite this, the love a mother and father have for their child is almost incomprehensible, and they make all the sacrifices necessary and more so that this child of theirs has the best life it possibly could have. It's the exact same with our Heavenly Father. We are all babies, we make mistakes, we cause problems, we mess up, and we can barely take care of ourselves sometimes. Despite this and more, our Heavenly Father still loves us with a love we cannot comprehend. It was a really cool message to share and talk about with these two less actives, and a good reminder for all of us.
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